Installing Teamviewer 8 on openSUSE 12.3

It’s incredibly easy, considering what you had to do to install Teamviewer 7.

  1. Download Teamviewer 8 from their site.
  2. Become root (“su -“), change to the directory where you have downloaded the .rpm and just give this command:
    zypper install teamviewer_linux.rpm

    zypper will resolve all the needed dependencies, like this:

    The following NEW packages are going to be installed:
      libICE6-32bit libSM6-32bit libXdamage1-32bit libXext6-32bit libXfixes3-32bit libXrender1-32bit libXtst6-32bit 
      libasound2-32bit libfreetype6-32bit teamviewer


  3. It will show a graphical license screen, then will start Teamviewer. Remember that you are root, so close that window and start it from the desktop environment menu, as regular user.

1 thought on “Installing Teamviewer 8 on openSUSE 12.3

  1. Pingback: Installing TeamViewer 7 on openSUSE 12.1 | silviumc

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